Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29

On Tuesday, we began our unit on waves. Waves can be defined as "a vibratory disturbance" that goes through an object or space. These can include water, sound, and light waves. Waves can also be mechanical or non-mechanical. Mechanical waves require a material to pass through and vibrate the particals of the object. The most basic of these are sound and water waves. Non-mechanical waves on the other hand, do not need to travel through an object. They are able to go through empty space. Some of these waves are visible light, infrared light, or radio and tv waves. We also briefly went over the difference between pulse and periodic waves. Pulse is one wave while periodic waves are a series of waves that are the same size. Periodic waves also have a constant time in between each peak. Finally, we discussed the two different kinds of waves which are longitudinal and transverse waves. Longitudinal is when the movement is parallel to the direction of travel of the wave and transverse is when the movement is perpendicular to the direction of travel of the wave.

1 comment:

Adriana said...

Thanks Taryn! Your post helped me understand that pulse is one wave and periodic is more than one consecutive wave! I get those two confused.